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What is meditation?

Meditation is a method of introspection that transforms the mind by developing concentration, insight, and equanimity or calmness. By transforming the mind in this way we can develop the ability to better manage, or even eradicate, the ailments that plague the human condition on a daily basis.

There are hundreds to varieties of meditation that have developed all over the world. At Conscious Mind, we teach meditation techniques that have developed out of the Rinzai Zen and Thai Forest traditions.

There are two main types of meditation: Concentration and Insight. The concentration form of meditation develops a narrow focus that enables the meditator to concentrate on a meditation object, e.g. the breath, an image or mantra. This technique is often referred to as “calm abiding” (samatha).

The insight technique typically has a wider; more investigate focus which enables us to have an unfettered view of reality in the present moment. It can include meditation techniques that don’t have a unique or specific meditation object which develop a state of “openness” and acceptance. This type of meditation is traditionally known as prajna which means “clear seeing” or wisdom.

Meditation can have an internal focus such as being mindful of the body or an external focus such as performing the Japanese Tea Ceremony. Both techniques can influence health and wellbeing in positive ways.

Learn to meditate on one of my courses (link to be added) or in a private 1-to-1 session. You can also try a 20-minute taster session for free (link to be added).

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